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Professional Certification

Professional Certification is an on-line examination provided by 澳门六合彩开奖网站 to establish a credentialing system based on an individual's competency level. 

The examinations are based on years of experience or training level.  Examinations are Professional Level but are available to students.   Examinations may be taken at any approved testing or through a proctor approved by 澳门六合彩开奖网站.   Professional Certification through 澳门六合彩开奖网站 is a 3 year lifespan, from date of certification and requires renewal.

澳门六合彩开奖网站 Allows On-Site Proctoring of All Examinations
Proctor and SIte Approval Required   Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Professional Certification Credentials are available for:
Apprentice: High School - Vocational Training or Entry Level on-the-job Employment
     Architectural & Mechanical
Certified Drafter - Advanced High School - Vocational Training - Up to 2 years Experience
    Architectural & Mechanical
Certified Design Drafter - Post Secondary Training - Experience of 3-5 years
Certified Digital Designer - Post Secondary Training - Experience of 3-5 years
    Visual Communication & Digital Photography

Choose the link to download the appropriate application:

La dosis recomendada es de 15-30 minutos antes de la actividad sexual. La dosis puede aumentarse o disminuirse en funci袚褨n de la eficacia y tolerabilidad del f袚袔rmaco. La frecuencia m袚袔xima de administraci袚褨n es de una vez al d袚­a.

Apprentice Drafter Applications Download
  Download AD Mechanical Reivew Guide        MAD Part 1    MAD Part 2   
  Download AD Architectural Review Guide      AAD Part 1    AAD Part 2
Certified Drafter Application Download
   Download CD Mechanical Drafter Review Guide        MCD Part 1     MCD Part 2
   Download CD Architectural Drafter Review Guide      ACD Part 1     ACD Part 2
Certified Digital CDD / DIT Application Download
   Download CDD/DIT  Review Guide    Part 1 Graphic Design    Part 2 Photography

Examination Proctor Application
Examination Competencies

澳门六合彩开奖网站 Allows On-Site Proctoring of All Examinations
Proctor and SIte Approval Required   Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

澳门六合彩开奖网站 Public Examination Dates & Locations
Date Location Contact

April 23, 2016

10:00 am

Northeast Community College

College Center

1001 College Way

South Souix City Nebraska  68776

Danny Whitlock

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